Our Giving Key
It started with a New York hotel room key. The Giving Keys founder, actress and singer/songwriter, Caitlin Crosby, wore the key as a necklace and had the idea to start engraving old, used keys with inspirational words. Realizing that in a way we are all like these keys – unique, flawed, scarred, and at risk of being discarded – she wanted these keys to have their purpose renewed over and over again. Their message is yours for a time, but once they've served their purpose with you, pay it forward to inspire another.
Tribe Kelley Founder/CEO, Brittney Kelley, and Caitlin Crosby crossed one another’s paths and knew they had found a genuine connection. Both girls were driven and both knew they wanted to be a light for others in any way they could. The Giving Key x Tribe Kelley collaboration came about when the two decided to stamp the words ‘TRIBE’ into the keys Caitlin had collected from all over the world. What better symbolism of bringing new and old together than using old worn out keys to bring a new message of unity to all those that ornament themselves with this key.